Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lopp's Blog Entry #1 - 19th May 2010

My name is Lopp, master of the house. I know this for a fact because Lala cleans my sleeping area more often than she changes her own bedsheets. Okay, maybe this does not demonstrate my superiority well enough. Let me put it this way, when I am down with a cold, I get to see a vet immediately (not that I like this actually) but when she gets a cold, she tries to self-medicate and sleep it all away. In fact, I think Lala spends more time talking to me than anyone else. Even her boyfriend (whom we shall name Mr WS here for confidentiality purposes).

Generally, I do enjoy the attention which she lavishes on me but she an get alittle more than enthusiastic about it sometimes. This seems to happen especially often when I am having a lazy, afternoon nap, dreaming of my endless carrot and treats supplies... Then she wakes me up. She tries to justify it saying that I tend to sleep like a corpse and that it scares her so she's just checking that I am okay. But I'm sure that this is just her sad excuse to fulfill her need for attention from yours truly.

Now, I am not trying to make Lala sound like a sad 29-year old loser without friends and a proper life. No, far from that actually. Actually, I happen to think that she looks quite good, especially her knee. To cope with the lack of a female companion, I have quite gotten used to having make do with her knee, soft-toys lying around the house and my personal s**t toy. I meant soft-toy, hello people but what were you thinking?!? I am a bunny for goodness sake!

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